3314 : ABCB11 Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
3310 : ABCB11 Sequence Analysis
3116 : ACADM Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis)
3359 : ACADVL Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
3356 : ACADVL Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis)
4300 : Acylcarnitine Analysis - Plasma
1605 : Adult Screening Exome Sequencing
2010 : Advanced mtDNA Point Mutations and Deletions by Massively Parallel Sequencing
3129 : ALDOB Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
8501 : Alphafetoprotein Analysis - Amniotic Fluid
8550 : Alpha-fetoprotein and Acetylcholinesterase Analysis - Amniotic Fluid
4160 : Amino Acid Analysis - Cerebrospinal Fluid
4100 : Amino Acid Analysis - Plasma
4240 : Amino Acid Analysis - Urine
6006 : Angelman Syndrome Methylation Analysis
3429 : ARG1 Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
3428 : ARG1 Deletion/Duplication Analysis
4536 : Arginase Enzyme Analysis
2554 : ATP7B Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
3309 : ATP8B1 Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
4175 : Biochemistry 3-Plex Autism Panel
4000 : Biochemistry 5-Plex Autism Panel
4555 : Biotinidase Enzyme Analysis
1300 : BluePrint Panel
BG-24001-P2-2 : BRCA1 & BRCA2 Panel
4310 : Carnitine Determination - Plasma
BG-1300-P419-1 : Cerebral Palsy Spectrum Disorders Panel
6376 : CFTR Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
6373 : CFTR Deletion/Duplication Analysis
8655 : Chromosomal Microarray Analysis - HR
8665 : Chromosomal Microarray Analysis - HR + SNP Screen (Comprehensive)
8639 : Chromosomal Microarray Analysis - Tissue
8600 : Chromosome Analysis - Blood
8530 : Chromosome Analysis - Prenatal - Amniotic Fluid
8540 : Chromosome Analysis - Prenatal - Amniotic Fluid with ACHE
8500 : Chromosome Analysis - Prenatal - Amniotic Fluid with AFP
8700 : Chromosome Analysis - Prenatal - CVS
8800 : Chromosome Analysis - Tissue
8673 : CMA - Targeted and Limited Karyotype - Prenatal - Amniotic Fluid
8672 : CMA - Targeted and Limited Karyotype - Prenatal - CVS
8675 : CMA-Expanded and Limited Karyotype - Prenatal - Amniotic Fluid
8676 : CMA-Expanded and Limited Karyotype - Prenatal - CVS
2625 : Collagen, Type I, Alpha 1/2 Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
BG-24001-P43-1 : Common Hereditary Cancer Panel
4015 : Comprehensive Creatine and Guanidinoacetate Determination
BG-24001-P94-1 : Comprehensive Hereditary Cancer Panel
2055 : Comprehensive mtDNA Analysis by Massively Parallel Sequencing
BG-1300-P92-1 : Connective Tissue Disorders Panel
3348 : CPS1 Deletion/Duplication Analysis
4130 : Creatine and Guanidinoacetate Determination - Plasma
4260 : Creatine and Guanidinoacetate Determination - Urine
1580 : Custom Family Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis)
1560 : Custom Proband Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis)
1522 : Custom Sequence Analysis - Prenatal
8945 : Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Analysis
6351 : DMD Deletion/Duplication (Prenatal Diagnosis)
20600 : Dual Genome Leigh Disease Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
2085 : Dual Genome Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
1603 : Duo Whole Exome Sequencing
1803 : Duo Whole Genome Sequencing
8065 : DXZ1/DYZ3 FISH for Sex Mismatched BMT
BG-1300-P397-1 : Epilepsy Panel
8670 : Expanded Chromosomal Microarray Analysis - Prenatal - Amniotic Fluid
8671 : Expanded Chromosomal Microarray Analysis - Prenatal - CVS
2095 : Fatty Acid Oxidation Deficiency Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
8462 : FISH Analysis - Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Type 1A
8490 : FISH Analysis - Chromosome X and Y Centromere Analysis
8405 : FISH Analysis - Custom Familial FISH Studies
8440 : FISH Analysis - DiGeorge/Velocardiofacial Syndrome Panel (22q and 10p)
8486 : FISH Analysis - DiGeorge/Velocardiofacial Syndrome Type I (22q)
8467 : FISH Analysis - Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies
8410 : FISH Analysis - Prenatal Aneuploidy
8480 : FISH Analysis - SRY Related Phenotypes
8474 : FISH Analysis -Neurofibromatosis Type 1
6573 : FMR1 CGG Repeat Expansion Analysis
6574 : FMR1 CGG Repeat Expansion Prenatal Analysis
2663 : FOXRED1 Deletion/Duplication Analysis
6031 : Friedreich Ataxia Repeat Expansion Analysis
BG-64000-P24-1 : GeneAware™ ACMG & ACOG Panel (Female)
BG-64005-P24-1 : GeneAware™ ACMG & ACOG Panel (Male)
BG-64000-P39-1 : GeneAware™ Ashkenazi Jewish Panel (Female)
BG-64005-P39-1 : GeneAware™ Ashkenazi Jewish Panel (Male)
BG-64000-P6-1 : GeneAware™ Basic Panel (Female)
BG-64005-P6-1 : GeneAware™ Basic Panel (Male)
BG-64000-P158-1 : GeneAware™ Complete Panel (Female)
BG-64005-P158-1 : GeneAware™ Complete Panel (Male)
BG-64000-P421-1 : GeneAware™ Expanded Panel (Female)
BG-64005-P421-1 : GeneAware™ Expanded Panel (Male)
BG-64000-P445-1 : GeneAware™ Expanded Plus Panel (Female)
BG-64005-P445-1 : GeneAware™ Expanded Plus Panel (Male)
4900 : Global Metabolomic Assisted Pathway Screen (Global MAPS)®-Plasma
4901 : Global Metabolomic Assisted Pathway Screen (Global MAPS)®-Urine
2125 : GSD Comprehensive Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
2126 : GSD Muscle Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
25000 : Hematology Profile Panel
25001 : Hematology Profile Plus Panel
BG-24001-P25-1 : Hereditary Brain/Central Nervous System/Peripheral Nervous System Cancer Panel
BG-24001-P27-1 : Hereditary Breast/Ovarian/Endometrial Cancer Panel
BG-24001-P37-1 : Hereditary Colorectal/Gastrointestinal Cancer Panel
BG-24001-P22-2 : Hereditary Endocrine Cancer Panel
BG-24001-P22-1 : Hereditary High-Risk Colorectal Cancer Panel
BG-24001-P18-1 : Hereditary Leukemia/Lymphoma Panel
BG-24001-P10-1 : Hereditary Melanoma Panel
BG-24001-P21-1 : Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer Panel
BG-24001-P12-2 : Hereditary Paraganglioma/Pheochromocytoma Panel
BG-24001-P12-1 : Hereditary Prostate Cancer Panel
BG-24001-P19-1 : Hereditary Renal Cancer Panel
8940 : Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2 Analysis
4569 : Hexosaminidase A & B Enzyme Analysis
2200 : High Bone Mass Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
BG-24001-P9-1 : High-Risk Hereditary Breast Cancer Panel
3541 : HLCS Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis)
6034 : Huntington Disease Repeat Expansion Analysis
6036 : Incontinentia Pigmenti Common Deletion Analysis
6037 : Kennedy Disease Repeat Expansion Analysis
25002 : Liquid Trace Hematology Panel
2090 : Low Bone Mass Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
6736 : MECP2 Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
4150 : Methylmalonic Acid - Plasma
3720 : Mitochondrial DNA Content (qPCR) Analysis - Liver
3700 : Mitochondrial DNA Content (qPCR) Analysis - Skeletal Muscle
3030 : Mitochondrial Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Deafness Mutation Panel
2160 : Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex II Deficiency Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
2180 : Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex I-V Nuclear Gene Deficiency Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
3200 : Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Enzyme Analysis (ETC) - Skeletal Muscle
3210 : Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Enzyme Analysis (ETC) - Skin Fibroblasts
3056 : Mitochondrial Whole Genome Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis)
2000 : MitoMet®Plus aCGH Analysis
21900 : MODY Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing (BCM-NGS℠)
32870 : MSUD Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
2130 : MtDNA Depletion/Integrity Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
2300 : Myopathy/Rhabdomyolysis Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
6041 : Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 Repeat Expansion Analysis
6105 : Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 Repeat Expansion Analysis (Prenatal Diagnosis)
3353 : NAGS Deletion/Duplication Analysis
4400 : Neonatal and Infantile Seizures Panel
BG-1300-P236-1 : Neurodevelopmental Disorders Panel
BG-1300-P142-1 : Neuromuscular Disorders Panel
BG-24001-P26-1 : Noonan Spectrum Disorders/RASopathy Panel
2086 : Nuclear Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
2003 : Oligonucleotide aCGH Analysis (Targeted Multiple Gene Analysis)
2001 : Oligonucleotide aCGH Analysis (Targeted Analysis)
8300 : Oncology Chromosome Analysis - Hematologic Cancer
8050 : Oncology Chromosome Analysis - Solid Tumor
8055 : Oncology FISH Analysis – 1p/19q Co-deletion
8789 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Aggressive/High-Grade B-Cell Lymphoma Panel
8030 : Oncology FISH Analysis – ALK Rearrangement
8010 : Oncology FISH Analysis - ALL FISH Panel
8792 : Oncology FISH Analysis - ALL Pediatric FISH Panel
8012 : Oncology FISH Analysis - ALL Ph-like FISH Panel
8000 : Oncology FISH Analysis - AML FISH Panel
8725 : Oncology FISH Analysis - AML1/ETO(RUNX1/RUNX1T1): t(8;21) [AML]
8785 : Oncology FISH Analysis - BCL2 Rearrangement
8775 : Oncology FISH Analysis - BCL6 Rearrangement
8750 : Oncology FISH Analysis - BCR/ABL: t(9;22) [CML/ALL/AML]
8740 : Oncology FISH Analysis - CBFB: inv(16) [AML]
8730 : Oncology FISH Analysis - CHIC2: Deleted 4q [Hypereosinophilic Syndrome]
8040 : Oncology FISH Analysis - CLL FISH Panel
8007 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Comprehensive MDS/AML FISH Panel
8720 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Deletion 20q12 [MDS]
8710 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Deletion 5 [MDS]
8715 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Deletion 7 [MDS]
8035 : Oncology FISH Analysis – EGFR Amplification
8791 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Eosinophilia FISH Panel
8385 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Gain Chromosome 8
8780 : Oncology FISH Analysis - IGH Rearrangement
8770 : Oncology FISH Analysis - IGH/CCND1: t(11;14) [Mantle Cell Lymphoma]
8795 : Oncology FISH Analysis - IGH/MYC
8786 : Oncology FISH Analysis - MALT1 Lymphoma
8005 : Oncology FISH Analysis - MDS FISH Panel
8705 : Oncology FISH Analysis - MECOM (EVI1)
8095 : Oncology FISH Analysis - MET Amplification
8745 : Oncology FISH Analysis - MLL: 11q23
8015 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Multiple Myeloma FISH Panel
8760 : Oncology FISH Analysis - MYC Translocation
8020 : Oncology FISH Analysis - NHL FISH Panel
8787 : Oncology FISH Analysis - Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Panel
8788 : Oncology FISH Analysis - p53
8735 : Oncology FISH Analysis - PML/RARA: t(15;17) [AML]
8031 : Oncology FISH Analysis - RET Rearrangement
8781 : Oncology FISH Analysis - ROS1 Rearrangement
8001 : Oncology FISH Analysis - STAT AML FISH Panel
8080 : Oncology FISH Analysis - TCF3/PBX1 FISH for ALL
8755 : Oncology FISH Analysis - TEL/AMLI: t(12;21) [ALL]
8790 : Oncology FISH Analysis- Multiple Myeloma IgH Rearrangement FISH Panel
3466 : OPA1 Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis)
4200 : Organic Acid Screen - Urine
3143 : OTC Deletion/Duplication Analysis
3140 : OTC Sequence Analysis
3135 : PAH Sequence Analysis
8955 : Parvovirus B19 Analysis
3166 : PDHA1 Sequence Analysis (Familial Mutation/Variant Analysis)
2140 : PEO Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
22100 : Peroxisomal Disorders Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
4650 : Phenylbutyrate Metabolite Analysis - Plasma
4651 : Phenylbutyrate Metabolite Analysis - Urine
3069 : POLG Comprehensive - Sequence & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
6050 : Prader-Willi Syndrome - Methylation Analysis
BG-24001-P12-5 : Prenatal Noonan Spectrum Disorders/RASopathy Panel
1622 : Prenatal Trio Whole Exome Sequencing
21200 : PreSeek™ Non-invasive Prenatal Gene Sequencing Screen
BG-1300-P463-1 : Primary Immunodeficiency Panel
1500 : Proband Whole Exome Sequencing
1530 : Proband Whole Exome Sequencing + Chromosomal Microarray Analysis (CMA) (Comprehensive)
1531 : Proband Whole Exome Sequencing + Comprehensive mtDNA Analysis
1810 : Proband Whole Genome Sequencing
5274 : PUCD Comprehensive - NGS & Deletion/Duplication Analysis
3803 : PYGM Deletion/Duplication Analysis
3800 : PYGM Sequence Analysis
4811 : Pyridoxine-Dependent Seizures Panel - Plasma
1723 : Rapid Duo Whole Exome Sequencing
1823 : Rapid Duo Whole Genome Sequencing
8425 : Rapid FISH Analysis - AneuVysion® (+13/+18/+21 /X/Y)
8426 : Rapid FISH Analysis - Sex Chromosome (X/SRY)
1729 : Rapid Proband Whole Exome Sequencing
1829 : Rapid Proband Whole Genome Sequencing
1722 : Rapid Trio Whole Exome Sequencing
1533 : Rapid Trio Whole Exome Sequencing + Comprehensive mtDNA Analysis
1822 : Rapid Trio Whole Genome Sequencing
2190 : Retinitis Pigmentosa + RPGR orf15 by Massively Parallel Sequencing
1601 : Sequential Trio Whole Exome Sequencing
BG-1300-P354-1 : Skeletal Disorders Panel
3158 : SLC25A13 Deletion/Duplication Analysis
3238 : SLC25A15 Deletion/Duplication Analysis
6059 : SMN1/SMN2 Copy Number Analysis
BG-1300-P76-1 : STAT Epilepsy Panel
4250 : Succinylacetone Determination - Urine
4225 : Sulfocysteine Determination - Urine
8656 : Targeted Chromosomal Microarray Analysis - Prenatal - Amniotic Fluid
8657 : Targeted Chromosomal Microarray Analysis-Prenatal-CVS
2056 : Targeted mtDNA Analysis by Massively Parallel Sequencing (MitoNGS℠)
4620 : Tay-Sachs Disease Carrier Testing
4617 : Tay-Sachs Disease Carrier Testing (Serum)
4330 : Thymidine Determination - Plasma
1390 : Total BluePrint Panel
8950 : Toxoplasma gondii (TOXO) Analysis
1600 : Trio Whole Exome Sequencing
1532 : Trio Whole Exome Sequencing + Comprehensive mtDNA Analysis
1800 : Trio Whole Genome Sequencing
2110 : UCD and Hyperammonemia Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
BTOO-64000-P113-1 : UNITY Expanded Carrier Screening (Female) - 113 genes
BTOO-64000-P14-1 : UNITY Expanded Carrier Screening (Female) - 14 genes
BTOO-64000-P283-1 : UNITY Expanded Carrier Screening (Female) - 283 genes
BTOO-64000-P611-1 : UNITY Expanded Carrier Screening (Female) - 611 genes
BTOO-64005-P113-1 : UNITY Expanded Carrier Screening (Male) - 113 genes
BTOO-64005-P14-1 : UNITY Expanded Carrier Screening (Male) - 14 genes
BTOO-64005-P283-1 : UNITY Expanded Carrier Screening (Male) - 283 genes
BTOO-64005-P611-1 : UNITY Expanded Carrier Screening (Male) - 611 genes
2195 : Usher Panel by Massively Parallel Sequencing
1602 : WES - Additional Affected Sibling
1900 : WES Reanalysis
1897 : WGS Reanalysis
4627 : White Blood Cell Cystine
1520 : Whole Exome Sequencing Reflex