COVID-19 Update from Baylor Genetics

As we all come to terms with the gravity of the current situation with COVID-19, we wanted to reach out to you with updates from the Baylor Genetics team. Like most of the world, Baylor Genetics is monitoring this ever-changing situation and reviewing the recommendations from the CDC periodically. It’s imperative that we make sure that the health of our employees, providers, and patients are at the forefront of all that we do.  

Please be aware that we have taken measures to make sure that our laboratory remains open to accepting samples during this time. Baylor Genetics is still running at full speed and is still accepting samples from our providers and partners 

We understand that it is vital to be innovative and do the impossible for your patients. People around the world depend on our tests for their livelihood. While we focus on keeping our team safe, we fully understand our social responsibility and will focus on remaining available in any capacity we can 

At this time, Baylor Genetics has deemed the potential for receiving and handling COVID-19 patient specimens to be very low. With that said, we have emphasized to our team the importance of following standard laboratory safety procedures and practices when handling and performing diagnostic tests on human specimens.  

Furthermore, we want to emphasize the option to have kits shipped directly to your patients to minimize exposure to COVID-19. If you or your patient would like to participate in this, please email [email protected] or call 1-800-411-4363 for the correct paperwork. Please make sure that you include the instructions sent to your patients and clearly indicate their name and address on the requisition form.   

If you have any questions, please reach out to us. As we go through these challenging times together, we will continue to explore innovative ways to help your patients. Please stay safe and attentive during these times.  

Wishing you health and all the best,
Baylor Genetics Team


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